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Emphasize antonyms?

Emphasize antonyms?

She affirmed that she would go when I asked her. Antonyms: de-emphasize, downplay. For irony to be used correctly, the reader must be able to clearl. What is the opposite of Emphasize? Antonyms for Emphasize (opposite of Emphasize). By using complementary antonyms, you can create a sense of tension or emphasize the differences between two objects or ideas. By using complementary antonyms, you can create a sense of tension or emphasize the differences between two objects or ideas. em·pha·sized , em·pha·siz·ing , em·pha·siz·es 1. In literature, antonyms are used in different literary devices such as in synecdoche and paradox. To agree, verify or concur; to answer positively. Antonyms for emphasize include understate, downplay, underemphasize, underplay, depreciate, underestimate, ignore, trivialise, trivialize and diminish EMPHASIZE - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Recognizing different antonyms for emphasize can help us diversify our communication strategies and convey nuances in meaning. Feb 23, 2024 · These antonyms create a stark contrast and can be used to create vivid descriptions and engage readers. For example, when it comes to the words “on” and “off,” something cannot be a little bit on. (Christianity) To administer the sacrament of confirmation on (someone). In its quarterly earnings call. com with free online thesaurus, synonyms, definitions and translations. i emphasize i point out i reiterate i should like to emphasise. What is the opposite of Emphasize That? Antonyms for Emphasize That (opposite of Emphasize That). Synonyms for re-emphasize in Free Thesaurus. There are many methods for saving money that single peop. When my four-year-old misbehaves (and boy, does she), I have about 3. English (wikipedia attention) Noun (en-noun) Using antonyms helps to emphasize your point, show contrast, or explain exactly what you mean. Trusted by business build. A primary-grade teacher who wants to implement research-based vocabulary instruction should try to emphasize: word relationships, including antonyms, synonyms, categories, and semantic families. 29 Emphasize antonyms. conclude by reiterating. i mention that because. Emphasize Antonyms. Antonyms for Emphasize (opposite of Emphasize). Trusted Health Information from the National Institutes of Health Diabetes Actress emphasizes the importance of health education Designer Liz Lange helped reinvent maternity fashio. em·pha·sized , em·pha·siz·ing , em·pha·siz·es 1. The dictionary attempts to autocomplete your word as you type and pumps out results quickly with synonyms and anto. An easy tip to avoid a common grammatical error. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of Emphasize in English with Spanish translations of every word. i emphasize i point out i reiterate i should like to emphasise. Jan 18, 2024 · Reverse Antonyms: Reverse antonyms refer to words that are opposites in terms of direction or orientation. Full list of antonyms for Emphasize is here. com, the go-to online resource for synonyms and antonyms The last two sentences in the passage, “All I saw was darkness. Oppressive darkness. To give emphasis to; stress: She emphasized that the matter was urgent Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Switch to new thesaurus. particularly stress stress very strongly. Does gender-targeted advertising work? Find out if gender-targeted advertising emphasizing male and female stereotypes works. The presentation will minimize the importance of teamwork Verb. Synonyms for CERTAINTY: assurance, confidence, satisfaction, conviction, certitude, assuredness, sureness, surety; Antonyms of CERTAINTY: uncertainty, doubt. Synonyms for DE-EMPHASIZE: minimize, downplay, dismiss, soft-pedal, play down, understate, underplay, denigrate; Antonyms of DE-EMPHASIZE: exaggerate, overstate. explain the significance highlight the importance. Find 202 different ways to say OVEREMPHASIZE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus Related terms for re-emphasize - synonyms, antonyms and sentences with re-emphasize Synonyms and related words for emphasize from OneLook Thesaurus, a powerful English thesaurus and brainstorming tool that lets you describe what you're looking for in plain terms Similar to a traditional thesaurus, it find synonyms and antonyms, but it offers much greater depth and flexibility. The governor emphasized that fundamental change comes slowly. The overall social structure for most men emphasizes spending money. Feb 23, 2024 · Complementary antonyms are word pairs that have a mutually exclusive nature. draw attention again echo return. Synonyms for ILLUMINATE: illumine, light, brighten, lighten, beacon, irradiate, bathe, highlight; Antonyms of ILLUMINATE: dim, darken, obfuscate, obscure, blacken. Emphasize emotions when describing emotions or feelings, antonyms can help convey the intensity. The presentation will minimize the importance of teamwork Verb. EMPHASIS - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus 890 opposites of emphasise- words and phrases with opposite meaning synonyms Synonyms for UNDEREMPHASIZE: understate, tone (down), minimize, de-emphasize, disparage, play down, belittle, discount; Antonyms of UNDEREMPHASIZE: emphasize, point. Opposite of to make a typeface have a thicker or heavier stroke. Synonyms for APATHY: numbness, impassivity, impassiveness, emptiness, insensibility, phlegm, coldness, detachment; Antonyms of APATHY: emotion, feeling, sympathy. "His joy knew no bounds, but her sadness was equally profound. Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply someone who loves learning new. do something over and over again. give an emphasis to bear down give prominence to lay stress on Similarly, the antonyms "yes" and "no" serve as clear and concise ways to express opposite answers or opinions. By clicking "TRY IT", I agree to receive news. Gradable Antonyms: Gradable antonyms, on the other hand, represent different degrees of intensity or quality. explain the importance. Jan 18, 2024 · Reverse Antonyms: Reverse antonyms refer to words that are opposites in terms of direction or orientation. Opposite words for Emphasize ['ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz'] to stress, single out as important. Definition of emphasize. By using complementary antonyms, you can create a sense of tension or emphasize the differences between two objects or ideas. Find 41 different ways to say PRIORITIZE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus Find 15 different ways to say ACCENTUATE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus 92 opposites of emphasize that- words and phrases with opposite meaning synonyms Synonyms for HIGHLIGHT: emphasize, feature, stress, identify, punctuate, point (up), accentuate, illuminate; Antonyms of HIGHLIGHT: tone (down), play down, understate. Find 202 different ways to say OVEREMPHASIZE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus Related terms for re-emphasize - synonyms, antonyms and sentences with re-emphasize Synonyms and related words for emphasize from OneLook Thesaurus, a powerful English thesaurus and brainstorming tool that lets you describe what you're looking for in plain terms Similar to a traditional thesaurus, it find synonyms and antonyms, but it offers much greater depth and flexibility. Synonyms for ACCENTUATE: emphasize, highlight, stress, feature, accent, punctuate, identify, illuminate; Antonyms of ACCENTUATE: tone (down), minimize, play down. Synonyms for DE-EMPHASIZING: minimizing, downplaying, dismissing, soft-pedaling, playing down, understating, denigrating, underplaying; Antonyms of DE-EMPHASIZING. Synonyms for ILLUMINATE: illumine, light, brighten, lighten, beacon, irradiate, bathe, highlight; Antonyms of ILLUMINATE: dim, darken, obfuscate, obscure, blacken. Antonyms * de-emphasize * downplay Derived terms * reemphasize * overemphasize * underemphasize Related terms * emphasis * emphatic empathize Alternative forms * empathise (British, Canadian, Australian) Verb (en-verb) to feel empathy for another person * 2001, Alias (TV, episode 1. STRESS - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Synonyms for MAGNIFY: exaggerate, enhance, pad, expand, color, hyperbolize, embellish, embroider; Antonyms of MAGNIFY: minimize, understate, belittle, play down. One powerful tool in a writer’s arse. Find 567 different ways to say MAKE CLEAR, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus 347 opposites of highlight- words and phrases with opposite meaning synonyms Define emphasize. What are opposite words of Emphasize? Play down, ignore, understate, deny. Mustang's "New Breed" of 1979 was a new kind of Ford pony car, but it was still every inch a Mustang. Antonyms for de-emphasize. getting back to what i was saying i mention it because. More than 47,200 antonyms available on synonyms-thesaurus What is the opposite of Emphasis? Antonyms for Emphasis (opposite of Emphasis). org is an advertising-s. Antonyms * de-emphasize * downplay Derived terms * reemphasize * overemphasize * underemphasize Related terms * emphasis * emphatic empathize Alternative forms * empathise (British, Canadian, Australian) Verb (en-verb) to feel empathy for another person * 2001, Alias (TV, episode 1. Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply someone who loves learning new. Related terms for want to emphasize- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with want to emphasize synonyms definitions thesaurus. i emphasize i point out i reiterate i should like to emphasise. When we look at a dictionary, the meanings of words are straightforward. His two-fingered gesture emphasized what he had told his boss to do with his job. For example, saying "hot" and. Full list of antonyms for Emphasize is here. By using antonyms, we can highlight distinctions and make our communication more precise. Just ahead of its massive IPO,. Synonyms for DE-EMPHASIZING: minimizing, downplaying, dismissing, soft-pedaling, playing down, understating, denigrating, underplaying; Antonyms of DE-EMPHASIZING. Advertisement Marketers had put a. Passive income makes money for you without effort. org is an advertising-s. wup installer gx2 Looking for another way to say emphasize? See our complete list of Synonyms & antonyms for emphasize. This allows them to focus on sp. cannot but emphasize. Also known as women's studies, masculinity studies, or women, gender, and sexuality studies, the field emphasizes gender Updated May 23, 2023 thebestschools. Sentence with Antonym The presentation will emphasize the importance of teamwork. cannot over-emphasize. Princeton's WordNet Rate these synonyms: 0 72 opposites of emphasis- words and phrases with opposite meaning synonyms Antonyms for emphasis include de-emphasis, unimportance, triviality, insignificance, ignorance, irrelevance, inconsequentiality, slightness, weakness and littleness. Simply enter a single word, a few words, or. Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend. 38 synonyms for emphasize: highlight, stress, insist, underline, draw attention to, dwell on, underscore, weight, play up, make a point of, foreground What are synonyms for emphasize? Synonyms for EMPHASIZES: highlights, stresses, features, identifies, punctuates, accentuates, focuses, illuminates; Antonyms of EMPHASIZES: understates, tones (down. The meaning of EMPHASIZE is to place emphasis on : stress. Find 567 different ways to say MAKE CLEAR, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus 347 opposites of highlight- words and phrases with opposite meaning synonyms Define emphasize. i mention that because. Emphasize Antonyms. sig sauer p320 aftermarket parts Any word that has to do with giving or paying could also be classified as an antonym for beneficiary. Individualists argue that self-relian. Synonyms for EMPHASIZING: highlighting, stressing, featuring, identifying, punctuating, accentuating, focusing, pointing (up); Antonyms of EMPHASIZING: minimizing. Antonyms * de-emphasize * downplay Derived terms * reemphasize * overemphasize * underemphasize Related terms * emphasis * emphatic empathize Alternative forms * empathise (British, Canadian, Australian) Verb (en-verb) to feel empathy for another person * 2001, Alias (TV, episode 1. "Big" and "small" are antonyms Provide variation in expression, avoid repetition. When we talk about financial independence, we often emphasize how important passive income is. The kitty she noticed was not fat. The presentation will minimize the importance of teamwork Synonyms for UNDERSCORE: emphasize, reinforce, underline, deepen, enhance, accentuate, stress, bring out; Antonyms of UNDERSCORE: reduce, minimize, de-emphasize. Synonyms Similar meaning like to remind everyone want to stress that. Insert an arrow shape to emphasize a directi. Check the specific definition before using a word in your writing Add weight to Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Emphasize meaning and usage. Find 21 different ways to say HIGHLIGHT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus emphasize——同義詞,相關詞和例句 | 劍橋英語同義詞詞典 STRESS - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus The meaning of EMPHASIZE is to place emphasis on : stress. Complementary antonyms can also be used to create persuasive communication. The Internal Revenue Service (IR. It was very much not fat. Opposite of to make a typeface have a thicker or heavier stroke. 7M words 79M synonyms 4 About Feedback Donations Examples of Synonyms Synonyms for EMBELLISH: exaggerate, enhance, pad, embroider, color, expand, hyperbolize, stretch; Antonyms of EMBELLISH: minimize, understate, belittle, play down. Any word that has to do with giving or paying could also be classified as an antonym for beneficiary. Highlight differences, emphasize contrasts. What is the opposite of Emphasize? Antonyms for Emphasize (opposite of Emphasize). Find 130 different ways to say STRESS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus 187 other terms for to emphasize- words and phrases with similar meaning synonyms definitions thesaurus idioms for greater emphasis. As an adjective elaborate is highly complex, detailed, or sophisticated. disney button up shirt womens Emphasize emotions when describing emotions or feelings, antonyms can help convey the intensity. The presentation will minimize the importance of teamwork Verb. Find 21 different ways to say HIGHLIGHT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus emphasize——同義詞,相關詞和例句 | 劍橋英語同義詞詞典 STRESS - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus The meaning of EMPHASIZE is to place emphasis on : stress. In other words, they cannot exist together in the same context. Mustang's "New Breed" of 1979 was a new kind of Ford pony car, but it was still every inch a Mustang. Definitions of Emphasize. Synonyms for re-emphasize in Free Thesaurus. However, it can actually be worth. i mention that because. Emphasize Antonyms. As an adjective elaborate is highly complex, detailed, or sophisticated. Synonyms for re-emphasize in Free Thesaurus. Emphasize emotions when describing emotions or feelings, antonyms can help convey the intensity.

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